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When you want one-of-a-kind precision liposuction, look no further than VASERlipo® in Kirkland. This revolutionary device utilizes ultrasound energy for minimally invasive body contouring, producing dramatic results with less pain and downtime than traditional liposuction.

VASERlipo Kirkland and Bellevue


At Tseng Plastic Surgery in Bellevue and Kirkland VASERlipo is unique because it allows Dr. Tseng to be gentle and extremely precise when removing fat. It disrupts the connection between your fatty tissue and the muscles underneath without hurting your underlying healthy tissue, giving VASERlipo an excellent reputation for body sculpting and contouring.


Precise, ultrasound-assisted liposuction lets you redefine yourself. VASERlipo offers minimally invasive body contouring as an alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional lipo. Yet it is still powerful enough to remove large amounts of fat while being gentle enough to treat more delicate sites. Featuring acoustic streaming, VASERlipo fills the treatment site with a medicated solution. The fat cells are treated with ultrasound energy before being removed with gentle suction.

This ensures surrounding tissues are left intact for smoother contours, less pain, and reduced recovery time. VASERlipo is considered the new standard in creating high-definition and precision body etching in men and women. It’s the preferred technology for male gynecomastia breast reduction and fat harvesting during Brazilian Butt Lift surgery.


Ideal VASERlipo candidates are:

  • Already within fifteen pounds of their ideal weight
  • Trying to spot-treat fat deposits and reveal muscle tone underneath
  • Non-smokers
  • Free of bleeding conditions
  • Generally healthy
  • Realistic in their expected results
VASERlipo Kirkland and Bellevue


VASERlipo is advancing the art of liposuction as the latest in subcutaneous fat removal technology. The system perfectly blends surgical finesse, precision, and sophistication to produce the most dynamic and high-definition body contouring results. While it’s not a weight loss option, you can achieve a slimmer, more sculpted figure, putting the finishing touches on your journey and refining your results.

One of the most significant benefits is its versatility. VASERlipo can remove excess fat deposits from many body sites, such as:

  • Jowls
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Abs
  • Hips
  • Love handles
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Ankles

Some of the other impressive VASERlipo benefits include the following:

  • Visible results in one week that progressively improve for four to six months
  • Minimally invasive
  • Precise body contouring
  • Shape and sculpt multiple body areas in a single procedure
  • Less pain, swelling, and downtime compared to traditional liposuction methods
  • Reduced post-op discomfort
  • Enhanced skin retraction for reduced risk of sagging skin associated with traditional lipo


BodyTite uses radio-frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to provide three-dimensional body sculpting in the most troublesome areas of the body. Instead of extracting fat, BodyTite melts the fat tissue while stimulating your skin to tighten and firm by promoting the development of natural collagen and elastin development.

Renuvion combines helium gas and radiofrequency energy to generate cold helium plasma. This is used within the skin, causing it to contract naturally and stimulating collagen production for significantly tighter and firmer skin. Renuvion is an excellent alternative to surgery for patients with minimal to moderate skin laxity and who want to firm their skin.

Additional Reading

VASERlipo, BodyTite, and Renuvion accomplish the same goal of body contouring and sculpting. However, VASERlipo uses ultrasound to semi-liquify fatty tissue for easier liposuction removal, while BodyTite and Renuvion use radiofrequency energy to tighten skin. VASERlipo is especially effective when paired with either skin-tightening method for comprehensive body renewal.


The procedure takes one to three hours and is performed under general or local anesthesia with IV sedation. During VASERlipo Kirkland plastic surgeon, Dr. Tseng, creates small incisions at the target zones through which ultrasound probes are inserted. These probes break up the fatty tissue while a cannula vacuums it and most of the fluid through the same port. The process can be expedited by pairing VASERlipo with Renuvion or BodyTite. While some of the fluid will be left in your body to numb post-procedural pain, it will be absorbed over the following days. For the first week or so during your recovery:

  • You may need to wear a compression garment to help minimize swelling and protect your new, improved contours

Additional Reading

  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities
  • Attend regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Tseng to ensure your healing remains on track

Thanks to Dr. Tseng’s technologically advanced approach, recovery times are expedited for Kirkland and Auburn VASERlipo patients. He will ensure you go home with prescription pain medications and a thorough aftercare plan for managing your recovery. After the procedure, your body may be bruised and swollen in the treated areas. While VASERlipo is safe and gentle, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Temporary swelling, bruising, soreness, and numbness
  • Bleeding
  • Skin contour irregularities
  • Anesthesia side effects such as nausea
  • Pain and aching at the treatment site
  • Eventual scarring


It is important to note that you probably won’t be able to see results right away because your body needs time to heal. After three to six months, you’ll see the results more clearly as your body settles into its modified form. Results from VASERlipo liposuction can be permanent, but maintaining your stunning results is up to you. You’ll need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine so that your body doesn’t regain the fat deposits that Dr. Tseng removed. Additionally, there’s no way to eliminate all visible signs of aging, meaning weight fluctuations, inflammation, and gravity can change your results over time.

Mark H. Tseng, M.D.


When you’re ready to experience VASERlipo, trust Dr. Tseng for the safest and best results. As a skilled, multilingual artist with over two decades in practice, Dr. Tseng is among the most trusted and respected plastic surgeons in Kirkland and Bellevue. From our state-of-the-art facility to our compassionate, knowledgeable staff, Tseng Plastic Surgery stands as a haven for excellence, integrity, and natural beauty. Contact us today to discover how VASERlipo can reshape your figure and build your confidence!

Schedule your consultation with Kirkland, WA, plastic surgeon DR. MARK H. TSENG, M.D.

Relax in a luxurious, private environment where we focus on ensuring you are comfortable, cared for, and love your results.