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Deep Plane Facelift in KIRKLAND and BELLEVUE

Deep Plane Facelift Kirkland and Bellevue

Unlock a youthful and rejuvenated appearance with the help of Dr. Mark Tseng, a prominent expert in Deep Plane Facelifts. Experience the cutting-edge surgical technique that delivers natural-looking and long-lasting results. Visit Tseng Plastic Surgery in Kirkland, and Bellevue, WA, and let Dr. Tseng help you achieve your dream aesthetic.

Introducing Deep Plane Facelift

A Deep Plane Facelift is an advanced surgical procedure that addresses the deeper structural layers of the face. Conventional facelifts primarily focus on lifting the skin. The Deep Plane technique goes further, meticulously lifting and tightening the underlying facial tissues and muscles. This comprehensive approach results in a more natural-looking rejuvenation that corrects sagging skin, restores a defined jawline, and smooths wrinkles for a refreshed appearance.

Angle for Maximal Rejuvenation

The Deep Plane Facelift utilizes specialized surgical instruments to access and elevate the deeper facial tissues known as the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System). By addressing this layer, Kirkland Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Tseng, can achieve a more significant and natural-looking lift, effectively reversing the signs of aging. Imagine a tighter, smoother canvas for your facial features, with restored volume and definition.

Minimal Access Deep Plane Extended

Tseng Plastic Surgery also offers a variation called the Minimal Access Deep Plane Extended technique. This approach utilizes smaller incisions, further minimizing scarring while achieving the same comprehensive rejuvenation benefits.

Total Rejuvenation

Achieving a truly harmonious and youthful transformation often requires addressing the neck alongside the face. Combining a Facelift with a Neck Lift comprehensively tackles jowls, sagging skin, and visible neck muscles. This powerful duo refines your facial definition, sculpts a sharper jawline, and smooths the neck for long-lasting, balanced rejuvenation.

Deep Plane Facelift vs Other Facelift Techniques

While Tseng Plastic Surgery offers various facelift procedures to address specific concerns, the Deep Plane Facelift stands out for its ability to provide a more comprehensive and long-lasting rejuvenation. Here's a quick comparison:

  • Traditional Facelift: Primarily focuses on tightening the skin, which can sometimes lead to a stretched or unnatural look.
  • Mini Facelift: Ideal for addressing mild to moderate signs of aging in the lower face and jawline.
  • Deep Plane Facelift: Offers the most significant lift and rejuvenation by addressing deeper facial structures for a natural, long-lasting outcome.

To find out the best facelift technique for your facial rejuvenation, schedule a consultation today. Dr. Tseng will review your case and determine if a Deep Plane Facelift is right for you.

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Deep Plane Facelift Kirkland and Bellevue

Deep Plane Facelift Benefits

The benefits of this technique extend far beyond simply looking younger. This advanced procedure can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem by:

  • Reducing jowls and sagging skin
  • Defining the jawline and sharpening cheekbones
  • Smoothing wrinkles and creases, particularly around the eyes and mouth
  • Creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance in the neck and décolletage (if applicable)

Deep Plane Facelift Candidates

Ideal candidates for Deep Plane Facelift are individuals bothered by noticeable signs of facial aging like loose or sagging skin in the cheeks, jowls, and neck, deep wrinkles and folds around the eyes and mouth, and a loss of overall facial volume and definition. Age is a consideration, but Dr. Tseng will assess your unique needs and goals during a consultation to determine if Deep Plane Facelift is the most suitable option for achieving your desired rejuvenation.

Consultation and Preparation

When you schedule a consultation for a Deep Plane Facelift Kirkland Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Tseng, will take the time to understand your cosmetic goals and concerns. He will carefully examine your facial features and medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and expected results. If you decide to proceed with the surgery, Dr. Tseng's team will provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions. These may include adjusting your smoking habits, avoiding certain medications or supplements, and stopping blood-thinning medications. Additionally, they will help you arrange for post-operative transportation and recovery assistance.


At Tseng Plastic Surgery in Kirkland Deep Plane Facelifts are usually done under general anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. Dr. Tseng will make strategic incisions, often concealed along the hairline or within natural facial contours. The length of the procedure can vary depending on the complexity of your case and whether additional procedures are combined, but it generally takes several hours.

Deep Plane Facelift Kirkland and Bellevue

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

While initial improvement is visible right away, expect a few weeks for full results as swelling subsides. You'll experience some initial discomfort managed with medication and swelling that peaks within days. Plan for 10-14 days of focused recovery, avoiding strenuous activity and following incision care instructions to minimize scarring. The long-lasting results can be further extended through a healthy lifestyle and sun protection.

Why choose Tseng Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Mark Tseng is a highly regarded plastic surgeon in the Bellevue and Kirkland area, renowned for his expertise in facial rejuvenation procedures. He is dedicated to achieving natural-looking, long-lasting results. He approaches every procedure with meticulous technique and a keen artistic eye. Dr. Tseng prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction, offering personalized consultations and exceptional care throughout your journey.

Schedule Your Kirkland Deep Plane Facelift Consultation at Tseng Plastic Surgery Today

Take the first step towards a rejuvenated you by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Tseng at Tseng Plastic Surgery in Kirkland, WA. During your personalized consultation, Dr. Tseng will discuss your goals, answer your questions, and determine if Deep Plane Facelift is the right option for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and unlock the possibilities of a more youthful and confident you!

Deep Plane Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

While you may experience some discomfort following the procedure, medication can effectively manage it. Dr. Tseng prioritizes patient comfort throughout the process.

Potential risks, such as infection or bleeding, exist with any surgery. Dr. Tseng will discuss these in detail during your consultation.

Plan for 10-14 days of focused recovery, with swelling gradually subsiding over several weeks.

Dr. Tseng uses meticulous techniques and strategically placed incisions to minimize scarring. Following proper aftercare instructions further improves the cosmetic outcome.

The cost can vary depending on individual needs and complexity. Contact Tseng Plastic Surgery for a personalized consultation and pricing information.

Schedule your consultation with Kirkland, WA, plastic surgeon DR. MARK H. TSENG, M.D.

Relax in a luxurious, private environment where we focus on ensuring you are comfortable, cared for, and love your results.